Sunday, 12 June 2011

What is the purpose of trailers, Film Magazine front covers and Posters in terms of marketing a film?

Film trailers
- Film trailers are an important component in the marketing of a film. The purpose of trailers is basically to make people want to see the film, which is usually achieved by highlighting the best parts of the film so it attracts its target audience. It could be argued that the trailer is the most important method of marketing a film, as it conveys the idea and atmosphere of the film a lot more than the likes of a poster etc.

Film Magazine Front Covers
- Film Magazine Front Covers are used for the same idea as trailers, as they are used to attract audiences to the film they are marketing. The front cover shows an image of the film they are trying to market so the readers will be interested and therefore want to know more about the film than what is merely shown. Hopefully the readers will then develop an interest in seeing the film, achieving the objective of marketing the film effectively

- Film posters are a common marketing used to advertise a film. They attempt to generate a hype by raising awareness by making audiences aware that a new film is due for release. The poster will provide a variety of information such as; the film's title, the date of release, the cast and the certificate (which is determined by the BBFC)

Collective Identity of Drug Addicts and Football Fans - Task Two

When football fans are shown on TV or in Film, it is usually negative narrative perspectives that are shown. The football fans are usually portrayed as violent, hard-faced holligans with a limited intellect and wit. When the protagonist who narrates the story is heard, they tend to give off an impression that they agree with the severe violence that takes occurs during football matches. They are usually portrayed as working class with no interest in education and have no ambition beyond fighting rival football firms. They also tend to be portrayed as overly confident, aggressive and volatile. Their is very rarely any incidents of compassion, sympathy or empathy featured in films or dramas based on the lives of football fans

Collective Identity of Drug Addicts and Football Fans - Task One

There are various examples of Mise-En-Scene that can be used in a film or drama when representing drug addiction, some of these include:

Unhealthy appearance
- When the film or drama represents drug addicts, the characters will usually appear "sick" or "unwell." For example they may have tired eyes, may be heavily underweight or have very pale skin. Things like this emphasise the effect the drugs are having on the addicts

Poorly dressed
- Drug addicts are usually represented as poor or at least lower class. Therefore, addicts that are being portrayed will usually be dressed in dirty clothes. Drug addicts are also shown to spend what little money they have on their addiction

Poor living conditions
- Drug addicts also tend to be portrayed as living in rough areas or "slums" due to their low income that is only ever spent on their habit anyway

Items relating to drug use
- Scenes in films and dramas tend to show their drug addict characters surrounded by the substance they are addicted to, and the items that are needed. For example, a cocaine addict may be shown next to a rolled up note of money or a mirror. A heroin addict may be shown to be in possession of a syringe, belt etc.

What do you think the term Media Regulation means?

The term regulation refers to the control of something. In relation to media, the regulation is the guidance and control of distributed media products and the creation process involved. Examples of media regulation would be ensuring the products created are suitable to a variety of markets and audiences, and ensuring the product is completed to a high standard

Who are the BBFC? What do they do?

The BBFC is the British Board of Film Classification; a non-government organisation who are funded by the film industry and responsiblr for the national classification of films, videos, DVDs and some video games within the United Kingdom under the Video Recordings Act 2010


This is my A2 coursework blog in which I will research promotional packages of a film. In order to do this I will complete planning for a trailer in its entirety. The trailer itself will consist of 2 minutes worth of original footage in a genre of my own choice. I will also produce a film poster and a film magazine front cover. All of the research, planning, poster, magazine front cover and evaluation will be done individually. I will either create two trailers of 60 seconds in length or one trailer of 120 seconds in length. I will also need to show how the film can be marketed using a Film Magazine and a Poster. All of these will need to be linked in some way to show a synergy of product. My trailer will be viewed by an audience, so I therefore need it to be of a high quality and consider the selection of mise-en-scene, actor, sound, props and most importantly editing.